The United States Postal Service (USPS) cares! That much should be obvious from the pictures.
Linn's Stamp News Mangled Front CoverLinn's Back Cover With USPS Apology
I’m doubtful that that the USPS apology is actually sincere. It’s really more of just a “See, we care so much about the handling of your mail that we’ll put the piece we destroyed in this nice plastic baggy. There now, don’t you feel better about us?”
My wife and I went to the PIPEX 2009 show yesterday in Portland, OR. While we were there this tacky ribbon caught my attention.
Tacky Ribbon
I’m sure that the show judges / organizers had a perfectly good reason for “editing” the ribbon. Perhaps they didn’t have enough produced for the Vermeil place.
This wasn’t the only example of places the were “downgraded” to Vermeil. The were several others.
The show itself was interesting. In fact, it was the first time that she actually admitted to “having fun” at a stamp show.
Behind the screen you hear the clatter of dice. The Dungeon Master begins to laugh. What do you do?